Aceh and The Portugu...

Aceh and The Portuguese 1500-1579 : a Story of the Struggle of Islam in Southeast Asia

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The spellings of Aceh are numerous and include Acheh, Achem, Achin, Acheen and Atjeh, the latter being the preferred spelling in Indonesia until the issuance of the new spelling in 1972, by which we are guided in this book. The spelling Melaka is used in this work instead of the more familiar Malacca. Acehnese words and phrases, whether or not of Arabic origin, are written according to Acehnese spelling.

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    Aceh and The Portuguese 1500-1579 : a Story of the Struggle of Islam in Southeast Asia / Amirul Hadi

    In this book, most Indonesian words and phrases are written according to the new spellings as decreed in the Ejaan Bahasa Indonesia yang Disempurnakan (1972). Exceptions are made for common Islamic terms derived from Arabic, which are transliterated with the appropriated diacritical marks. The word hikayat, however, is maintained in its Indonesian or Acehnese form. The various spellings of place-names and the names of kingdoms have been standardized. Europeans travelers and scholars used to spell Pasai as Pase or Pacem.

    The spellings of Aceh are numerous and include Acheh, Achem, Achin, Acheen and Atjeh, the latter being the preferred spelling in Indonesia until the issuance of the new spelling in 1972, by which we are guided in this book. The spelling Melaka is used in this work instead of the more familiar Malacca. Acehnese words and phrases, whether or not of Arabic origin, are written according to Acehnese spelling. While every attempt has been made in this work to use standardized spellings, the forms and words used in direct quotations remain unchanged. All Arabic words and phrases that occur in this book are transliterated in accordance with the system used by The Library of Congress.

    Penulis : Amirul Hadi
    Ukuran : 16 x 24
    Halaman : xiv+133 hlm
    ISBN :  978-602-60760-3-8

    Lamgugob, Syiah Kuala. Banda Aceh. Provinsi Aceh.

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    Aceh and The Portuguese 1500-1579 : a Story of the Struggle of Islam in Southeast Asia

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